With years of experience providing the solutions and support that people need to enjoy their life I am confident that I can help you. Life is too short to put up with something that reduces the simple joy of connecting to other people. I really believe that everyone deserves the joy brought by good hearing and I have committed myself to delivering it.
As an independent hearing healthcare professional I provide a full range of the best hearing aids from all of the top manufacturers. My goal is to serve Chiswick, Ealing and surrounding areas with premium hearing care and the highest quality digital hearing aids available.
I undertake specialist earcare services, offering both safe and comfortable microsuction earwax removal and easy and gentle earwax removal via irrigation in Chiswick, Ealing and surrounding areas. Giving you a choice of ear cleaning procedures.
All types of hearing tests and healthcare assessments undertaken for adults in Chiswick, Ealing and surrounding areas. Tinnitus assessment and management, medical legal hearing loss Assessment and hearing aid evaluations.
I love my job and it makes it easy to be passionate about delivering the the best hearing aid solutions combined with an excellent customer experience. I was very appreciative of the customers who submitted me to the Audiologist of the Year Awards. Receiving a Highly Commended award was a nice recognition of my work, however, the testimonials of my customers, the positive feedback and the fact that they took the time to nominate me was the best recognition.
Call 0208 994 6966 or Simply Book Your Appointment Online Now